It is in our best interest to carefully get to know your company and the position you are filling to be able to select the best Candidates for you. We will visit your offices and experience your work environment, so that we can fully understand your needs. As soon as we have all the necessary information, we will start the selection process. We conduct personal interviews with suitable Candidates to explore their full potential and fit for the role. To make the process as effective as possible, there is always one Consultant as a contact person for you and the Candidate as well.

Based on our long-term experience on the market, we understand that qualified and motivated employees are the most important asset of every company. Our RECRUITMENT service is the best solution for selection of new employees for various positions.

Qualified and motivated employees are the most important asset of every company.

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  • We define a position according to your needs and specifications
  • We advertise the position on our website and various job portals
  • We work with our internal database, job portals, social media an our network
  • We approach and select Candidates, screen their language skills and meet the most suitable ones
  • We prepare TOP Candidates’ overviews of their professional experience and skills
  • We arrange interviews with the Candidates you choose (you can meet them in our offices if needed)
  • The entire process is overseen by one Consultant, who is your contact person
  • We provide a minimum 4-month guarantee for every position
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Feedback from our Clients

“I consider PERSONALITY to be a group of great professionals with individual and human approach. Our company often turns to PERSONALITY with non-standard problems, questions and requests. And they have always handled and sorted out all kinds of our requests with ease and smile. Through the cooperation with PERSONALITY, we have gained a strong partner we can rely on and turn to anytime. I would like to thank the whole team for their work, and I am looking forward to our next cooperation.”

Miroslav Slíž | Process supervisor, Axalta/PPM

„What I appreciate about PERSONALITY the most is a highly professional approach of their Headhunter, Janka Sihlovcová, and her profound business orientation. She quickly reacts to our demands, takes perfect care of Candidates and keeps us constantly informed. Her approach is both very personal and outstandingly professional. There are several good employment agencies on the market, however, there are only a few ones willing to go ‘an extra mile’. And that’s what PERSONALITY team and Janka undoubtedly do. Their motto ‘Hiring with passion’ is not only a mere phrase, but it fully corresponds to our experience with them.”

Petra Májová | People & Culture Director, Lyreco Central Europe

„Cooperation with PERSONALITY has been a pleasant and very positive surprise. Over the last 2 years, they have always provided us with professional recruitment services. We highly appreciate fast selection process, above standard communication and detailed Candidates’ profiles for all kinds of positions – managerial, technical and blue-collar ones.

Personality has helped us to fill majority of our vacancies, and that motivates us to further cooperation with them.”

Miroslav Fillo | Account Manager, Axalta/PPM

„It’s always been a pleasure to work with the PERSONALITY team. Janka Sihlovcová is a great support when we need to fill specific and senior managerial positions. We can always rely on strong and qualified Candidates and professional approach focused on our needs and current situation. What we appreciate about Janka the most is her open communication, personal and proactive approach. We would like to point out her attention to detail, market knowledge and ability to come up with non-standard solutions. PERSONALITY and Janka, thank you for supporting us!”

Martina Kováčová | Employee Experience Manager, Orange Slovensko

„We have been working with PERSONALITY since 2013. They have filled various positions for us – economical, commercial and technical. Their selection process is very precise and professional. The main reason why we decided to cooperate with PERSONALITY is the recruitment process they do for us. We can focus on our work, they focus on what they do best. This way, both of us are fully satisfied.”

Alžbeta Beňová, Agromont Nitra

„PERSONALITY provides highly effective communication and approach. In the span of only a few days, they managed to find a Candidate of a very specific profile meeting all our requirements and arranged our meeting. Our cooperation with an Interim Manager could start immediately.”

Monika Trnková | Strategic Planning Department Manager, GA Drilling

„We are fully satisfied with the approach and services we have received. Recommended Candidates met our requirements, and therefore our further selection was based mostly on our personal preferences.

You have often helped us think about the position differently and define it in a way that attracted the right Candidates. I also appreciate your courage to connect us with Candidates not meeting our initial criteria, who later proved to be the suitable ones. Flexibility, professionalism and fast response – these are the reasons why we have been cooperating for more than 6 years, and we will surely use your services again in the future.”

Elena Radvaňová, Bauer Gear Motor Slovakia s.r.o.

„We have been working with PERSONALITY team since 2019. Back then, we were filling a demanding position we were unable to fill for a long time. Thanks to PERSONALITY, we managed to find a perfect Candidate, who eventually accepted our offer. We have experienced professional approach, flawless communication and proactiveness. We are looking forward to our further cooperation.”

Vojtech Varga | HR Manager, HORNEX


Mária Jančovičová Gyepes Senior HR Consultant
Lukáš Lendel HR Consultant
Lenka Učnayová HR Consultant
Eliška Nosianová Recruitment Consultant
Katarína Magdolenová RPO HR Consultant & Recruiter
Nela Jakubisová Senior HR Consultant
Mária Šuníková Senior HR Consultant
  • +421 948 628 746



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